Category Archives: Empowerment

The most important book I’ll ever write 

With Father’s Day coming up on Sunday, I thought I’d share a little about my writing I’ve been working on. I recently made the decision to start trying to understand and break a pattern that’s been repeating itself throughout my life, and so I am writing about it. Ive been dedicating a block of time every week to ensure I see it through. I’ve already written eight chapters, and I believe this may well be the most important book I have ever written. 

In order for me to understand this negative pattern, and what has caused me so much pain, confusion, and emotional turmoil over the years (not to mention relationship issues), I am writing about it all so that I can delve deeper, with the hope of gaining some understanding of where it has all stemmed from, so I can break it once and for all. What I do know, is that this pattern circles around my relationships with males in my life. 

To give you a bit of insight into what it’s about, I am exploring every single relationship with a male I have ever had. From my dear grandfather (whom I adore), to my absent father, my stepfather who committed suicide, and every single intimate relationship I’ve ever had. Let me say that this is not an easy process, but I know with all of my soul that it is a vital one I must go through. 

I’m not sure whether or not what I’m writing will be shared with anyone yet, much less whether I will be publishing it. I do know however, that it is life changing, and I will make the decision about whether it will be shared once I have completed the book. 

I’m sharing this with you for one reason. It’s to remind you of the incredible power of writing. Not only is it extremely therapeutic, but it is also a wonderful tool for healing the soul. I love you all, and I will keep you updated on my progress.
Lots of love, 


Founder & Director

White Light Publishing House 

Remove your blocks by being REAL: 10 questions to ask yourself

We all know that frustrating feeling of being blocked; of being in a place where you feel stuck, lost or confused about where you’re at on your journey. There’s that niggling feeling that something needs to change,but you don’t quite know what it is yet. Or, perhaps you already know what needs to change, but you’re too scared to take action. Time and time again, you come across road blocks that stop you from making any progress, even when you think you’re doing everything in your power to try and move forward.

The key to removing these blocks?

Being real.

The definition of real, according to the dictionary is: not imitation or artificial; genuine.
Now, can you honestly say that right now, you are being 100% real? If you’re feeling blocked at all – in any area of your life – then it’s very likely that you’re not (even if you think you are). Let’s explore this a little further, while I give you examples of how you can be real, and in the process, remove those nasty blocks!
1. Who are you, really?
Ask yourself this question and be brutally honest. Try not to use labels or words that describe what you do, because you are so much more than that. You may be a parent or a teacher, follow a certain religion or be part of a sporting team, but once again, you are more than that, too. This question needs to be answered on a soul level. Who are you, in all your entirety?
2. What are you passionate about?
What gives you that warm, fuzzy, excited feeling inside? What could you talk about for hours on end? Is there something that you just want to know more and more about? Are you actively doing something about this passion, or do you see it as just a dream?
3. What are you not saying?
What are the things that you’re not speaking up about? Are you bottling up unexpressed feelings or not talking about your true beliefs out of fear of judgment? Is there something that you know deep down needs to be said? Ask yourself why you aren’t speaking your truth.
4. Are all of your relationships (family included) healthy and do you have clear boundaries in place? Do you let others treat you poorly or do they have unrealistic expectations of you? Are there people in your life with whom you walk on eggshells just to keep the peace?
Do you feel comfortable being yourself around these people? It may be time to reconsider who is on this journey with you, and whether or not they have a role in your life that serves your highest good. It’s okay to remove toxic people from your life. Yes, even family. In cases where you simply must maintain contact with family members, you can still cut the energetic cords between you.
5. Are you happy with your job?
Your job, career, study plans, day to day routine… whatever you want to call it based on your own situation, you always have a choice. If you’re unhappy getting up every morning because you don’t genuinely look forward to your day each day, then something’s got to change. Again, it may be an expectation of others that you ‘keep at it’, but does that fulfil your needs, or theirs?

6. What are you afraid of?
I’m not going to give you the whole, “fear is just a thought” lecture, because everyone knows that already, and if you’re genuinely feeling fearful, then compassion is what is needed. I will let you know however, that whatever your fears are, you can and will overcome them, if you make the conscious decision to do so. There is always support out there and people willing to help you to face this fear, so when you’re ready, ask for help- it’s one of the most courageous things you can do. And, for those of you whose fear is the unknown, please know this. The unknown is where the real magic happens. True story.
7. What or who do you need to let go of? 
The possible answers to this question are endless – relationships (of any kind), patterns of behaviour, pain from the past, guilt, regret, unhealthy thoughts and environments… you get my drift. It simply must be done if you want to live authentically. The key to letting go however, is not just saying, “ok I let go of this, this and that”. You have to be brutally honest with yourself and truly, wholeheartedly, Let. It. The. Fuck. Go. Letting go means that it is gone; never to return, never to be dwelled over or engaged in again. If you’re not ready to confront something, then you’re not ready to release it.

8. Do you love yourself? I mean really, truly love very aspect of yourself? When you look in the mirror, do you stand there proudly, knowing you are your whole, beautiful damn self? When you talk about yourself to others, or to yourself, are you positive and speak about yourself with love? Do you hold your head high and face the world with eyes wide open? Do you truly believe that you are deserving of love, respect, and greatness? Do you recognise how powerful you are and allow yourself to use it?
9. What do you feel is missing from your life?
I’m not talking about a new car, a massive house, or some piece of jewellery here. I’m talking about asking yourself what you feel is missing on a soul level. What do you yearn for? What keeps drawing you in? That ache in your heart, the missing puzzle piece- what is it? And why aren’t you doing everything in your power to go after it?
10. Are you ready to embrace change? What are you willing to do about all of the above? Being your real, unfiltered self takes courage, because not everyone is going to like being confronted with such a powerful, authentic being (it’s their problem, not yours, by the way, and they’re probably wishing they could be as brave as you).
If you want to remove your blocks, start with these questions. I guarantee you, that if you’re courageous enough (which I know you are) to address even one of these questions, you’ll begin to notice those  heavy, confusing blocks lifting away, as if by magic.
You’ve got this. All you need to do, is be who you really are.
Christie is a Lightworker, publisher, and writer, and is the founder and director of White Light Universal. 

Christie prides herself on being authentic and seeing the light and love in everyone she meets, and this shines through in both the healing and guidance she provides for her clients, as well as helping writers’ and artists’ publishing dreams come true. 

Her passions are writing, mental health, children’s rights, and playing a part in healing humanity.

Check out her website

The Wheel

So here you are again

The wheel has fully turned

Now it’s time to make a choice

About what you have learned

Do you let it go another round

And repeat it all again?

Or have you finally reached a point 

Knowing it will never end?

The wheel will keep on turning

The past will still repeat

Until you make a conscious choice:

Is this it what you really need? 

It’s like you’re stuck in motion

Not knowing how to stop

Asking why nothing changes 

Or why you feel so blocked 

It doesn’t have to be this way

But something has to change 

Will you jump off the wheel

Or go around again?

Jump in

Sometimes in life, you’ve just gotta jump in. You may be scared of rejection or failure, be filled with self doubt, or succumbing to the expectations of those around you, but who is in control here? 

That’s right. You.

If you feel it in your heart, in your gut, and notice that spark of truth and knowing that this is the direction you’re meant to be going, trust it. 

Trust it even if you feel uncertain and nervous at first. 

The fear, self doubt and uncertainty will soon fade once you align yourself with your truth, and notice just how swiftly and smoothly everything falls into place for you. Your nervousness will turn into excitement, and your personal truth and purpose will become clearer than ever before, because you’re living it. 

I’ve been there, and all of it is true. How do you think I am where I am now? 

Because I jumped in.


This is a blog post primarily for my friends and family, or for anyone I’m connected to that doesn’t really know what I do for work. But, it’s also for me.

I was asked yesterday what my one word for 2017 is going to be, and I didn’t even need to think twice about it. 

My word is REAL

So, the first thing I’ve decided to tick off my list for this year is to stop being selective with where and with whom I share my true beliefs and who I really am, for the sake of not ‘ruffling any feathers’. 

For some reason or another, I only talk about my working life to select people. I know that what I do for a living can be perceived as ‘out there’, ‘weird’ and at times, awkward for people to hear, but you know what? I’m so absolutely blessed to be doing what I do every day, and I’ve come to the realisation that it’s not up to me as to how others perceive my way of life; it’s up to them. I am who I am, I love what I do, and I’m damn proud of my work.

Most people who know me, know that I run my own business and that I work from home. Most even know that I am a publisher, too. But the part of my work that rarely gets talked about (mostly because I find that people get uncomfortable about how to respond) is that not only am I a writer and publisher, but I am a Lightworker.

I am a Lightworker who communicates with Spirit (passed loved ones, angels, ascended masters, even beings from other planets). I channel information and messages both for myself and for others, to provide guidance, support, clarity and direction on this journey we call life. I even sometimes see people’s past lives and totem animals. The more I do this, the more I’m learning and accessing. It’s super exciting and rewarding!

To me, getting random messages from Spirit is an everyday occurrence, and is not ‘weird’ at all. Of course, some of the people I know whom I’ve shared this with don’t believe me, or change the subject faster than the speed of light, but that’s okay. I don’t need to get into an argument about what the ‘truth’ is, because I know what it is. The thousands of people I help every single day know it’s the truth, so that’s all that matters. 

So, how did I get to where I am now? Some people who have known me for more than 5 years might be reading this and wondering how things changed so dramatically from where I previously was. Let me just say though, I’m still the same person. I’ve just found my true purpose now. 

It was shortly after I miscarried back in 2012 that I began to write, and that very first piece I wrote about my life so far had me bleeding the words onto the pages. I felt liberated and free after letting my story out. After that, I felt compelled to keep writing and put together some articles as well as some books that have now been published. Through my writing I began to understand that there was a much bigger force in play with life itself than I had ever realised. And this is where my spiritual journey began.

From then on, I researched, I studied, and I read; about the universe, past lives, the Other Side, spirit guides, tarot, Angels, life. The list goes on, and for anyone else who has experienced an ‘awakening’, you will know exactly what I mean when I say that the information just couldn’t be processed quickly enough. I couldn’t get enough, and I just wanted to keep learning more. I wanted to know so much more about why I was here, what my purpose was, and what life meant. And so I did.

For several years I studied and worked in early childhood education, and absolutely loved my position as director of a small long daycare centre. The beautiful relationships that I formed over the years- with staff, families and children made my work just that much more rewarding. While I am still very passionate about early childhood education, I decided to become a ‘stay at home Mum’ after my youngest son, Nate was born in 2013. As most of you already know, Nate was born with two significant holes  in his heart and had life-saving open heart surgery when he was ten days old, so this was the deciding factor in my decision to resign from my full time job,  which I did in early 2014. 

Since then, I’ve never looked back, and I now have two successful businesses I run from home (with one more – a charity – about to be launched). Helping people in such a profound way each and every single day through my spirit communication work, and making writers’ dreams come true through my publishing business, is so magnificently rewarding. I wouldn’t change it for the world. So, I ask myself now, “why wouldn’t I share how blessed I am with absolutely everyone I know?  What I do is not just important, but life changing for many people. I’m proud of what I do. I’m proud of who I am. 

So, no more filtering. 

No more worrying about whether people might feel awkward about what I do. 

I am still me. But now, you know all of me.

White Light for the Soul 

White Light Publishing House

Thank you for everything 2016

Everywhere on social media (and in person) I keep reading how atrocious 2016 has been for people, and how they can’t wait for the year to be over. To be honest, it saddens and frustrates me.
There are a few reasons for this. 

What makes everyone think that once 31st December is over, that their life is miraculously going to change? What we should be asking is “what am I doing NOW to change my life?”

Leading in from my first point, why wait until 1st January to make changes in your life or strive for happiness/success/better health? To me, it just seems crazy. If you’re so unhappy right now, then ask yourself what you need to do to change this now, not next year. 

We are in a 9 year numerologically, so yes, 2016 has been a year of endings and basically, dealing with all of our ‘shit’ so that we don’t keep repeating it in the next 9 year cycle. The thing is, if you’ve continually put off dealing with all your past stuff and been too scared to confront those repetitive situations you keep finding yourself in year after year, then this year was a year where the universe has pushed you to deal with it all once and for all. If you’ve refused to acknowledge all of this for yourself, then clicking over to 2017 is not going to change a thing. You’ve been pushed and tested for a reason, and if you can’t yet see what it has taught you, or how much you have grown from it (which in turn, would see you being grateful for having been through it), then you likely still have more inner work to do. 

I’ve had my fair share of challenges this year myself, but I’ve also had some amazing things happen for me too. The difference is however, with the challenges I’ve been confronted with, I am fortunately in a state of mind where I can truly appreciate ALL of it. Yes, even the ‘negative’ stuff, because ultimately, they have taught me lessons and helped me to grow. 

The constant focus on how horrible a year 2016 has been for everyone seems to be a counterproductive behaviour. If you’re continually putting it out there about how hard you’ve had it, how negative things have been, etc etc, then aren’t you then attracting the very things you DON’T want into your life? It’s called the Law of Attraction, and unless you change your outlook on life and all that you’ve experienced (both negative and positive) throughout 2016, then you may just find that these things continue into the new year.

Some of the experiences you may have had in 2016 may have not even been to do with your own life journey; perhaps they happened for someone else’s soul growth or life plan. But it’s important to look at everything that has occurred throughout 2016 as either a blessing or a lesson (which in my opinion, is also a blessing).

Think about how much you’ve learnt about yourself this year. 

How much stronger you are.

How the universe has stepped in to remove all that no longer has a place on your journey.

That you’ve been forced to confront your past so you can move forward and heal.

That you’ve been pushed by Spirit to get back on track and live a life of personal truth.

How about we all start flooding social media with all the things we have been blessed with and are grateful for throughout this past year? Then maybe, just maybe, 2017 will be filled with joy, positivity and success because that’s what we’re attracting into our lives. In fact, let’s get that ripple effect going, if you want it to, it can happen RIGHT NOW; not at 12.01 on 1st January? 

Thank you for everything 2016

Thank you for the lessons; even the really tough lessons that helped me grow as a person. Thank you for the joy and blessings you allowed me to experience. I am grateful for every moment.

Seeing you Shine 

Over the last few months I’ve had to pinch myself almost every day. Not only because my publishing business is growing at a very exciting rate, but as I experience firsthand, how beautiful it is to see each and every one of the authors I work with grow. 

More often than not, when I first speak with these writers, the conversations we have are focused on helping them to acknowledge just how talented and beautiful a soul they truly are, and on overcoming the fear they have about putting themselves out there for the world to see. In most cases, I find myself in tears as we collaborate through their publishing journeys. I am truly inspired by each and every one of my clients – not only because of the work they’ve chosen to publish, but because of the personal experiences they have been through prior to reaching the point where they’re ready to expose themselves to the world.

It truly is heartwarming to see this transition unfold before my eyes, and to say I’m blessed to be part of this journey with them is an understatement. I’m in a position where I am able to see so many gifted, compassionate souls move from a place of hesitation and uncertainty, to one of self confidence and empowerment. It’s a beautiful thing.

Not only have I seen these authors heal and grow, but each and every client I’ve worked with are now part of a unique tribe of creative souls who support one another and encourage each other to shine. There is no competition; just love and unification.

I’ve said this time and time again, but I’ll say it again. Becoming a published author is a journey in itself, and I am so fortunate to be able to help so many people have their dreams realised, while at the same time, seeing just how empowering and life changing it can be. 

To all my authors: I just love seeing you shine, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to share this experience with you. 

Love, Light & Blessings,


How does a psychic reading work?

I am asked on occasion, just how I get the information I do when providing a reading and how it all works. 

When giving readings, I first ask Spirit to provide me with guidance on how I can best help the person I am reading for, and ask them to give me the answers to what you most need to know right now. These messages may come from my Spirit Guides or yours, or from loved ones on the Other Side. Alternatively, guidance may come through from other entities (eg Ascended Masters, Angels). In addition to intuited guidance, I may use just one, or a mixture of different cards, or I may not use cards at all. The majority of the , guidance in a reading is provided intuitively and is channelled directly from Spirit. 

Most of the messages I receive from Spirit come to me as words, names or images/visions (clairaudience and clairvoyance), and quite often through a ‘knowing’ (claircognizance). I also at times use automatic writing as a way of receiving direct communication from Spirit. 

I am always more than happy to elaborate or explain things further should there be any information in a reading that isn’t understood. I also welcome questions after someone receives a reading, because at times, something may come up that prompts questioning from my clients. I never charge people for this; it’s all part of the service.

I do not sugarcoat information that comes to me in a reading (pretending that everything is just butterflies and rainbows) however I do make sure I am respectful and compassionate when passing on sensitive information. Quite often, if someone has requested a reading, it’s because there is something challenging happening in their life at the time, and so more often than not, sensitivity and empathy is necessary. 

Another thing I’ll add, for those of you that decide to have a face to face reading, is that quite often I’ll pick up on your energy while reading for you, or the energy of a loved one in spirit, and so if I start crying, that’s why. Sometimes the emotional energy is quite overwhelming and I feel this energy quite strongly. It might be an overwhelming feeling of love from someone in spirit, or it may be the feeling of relief from being connected to a loved one. Whatever it is, know that this energy is shared with me to help me connect with you on such a deep level. 

If you ever have any questions about how I provide readings, please feel free to ask me at any time. 

❤️ Christie 

White Light for the Soul

Why I’m a Publisher

After attending my very first book launch and signing last night for the first author who published her work with me, I felt compelled to share a little bit about me and what I do, and how White Light Publishing House was created. 

As I discussed with the lovely group of people at the book launch last night, I guess I am not your ‘ordinary’ publisher, and I love that about my publishing house. I am not in this business to ‘get rich’. Of course, I need to earn a living, and cover costs of all the work that goes into publishing, however, my reasons for being in this business are far more meaningful than making money. In fact, I don’t even like calling it ‘business’; and much prefer to label what I provide as ‘a service that helps others to achieve their dreams’. 

Someone asked me last night, what the process is for having your work published. Basically, right from the get-go, I work with you to publish your work- whether it be a novel, a children’s book, a deck of oracle cards- the way you envision it. You decide how it’s going to look, how much you’ll sell it for, and how your work is to be shared with the world. 

This is your hard work that we’re working with here, and it’s your dream. I’m just here as a support, and to guide you along the way to make it a reality; not to dictate to you how it should be done. Of course however, if there are areas that you’re unsure about, or wish for me to take control over an aspect of your work (such as cover design, layout), then I can do that for you too. 

As I said, I am in this ‘business’ to help you share your work with the world, and am happy to work with you every step of the way, until you’re 100% happy with the finished product, ready for release. If you need to meet in person, we’ll do that (provided we live near one another), if you need to text or call me with a last minute addition, or want to go over a heap of samples for book covers before you find the ‘best fit’, that’s perfectly okay too. This process is about you and your dream; and pride myself on providing a personalised publishing service.

In addition: 

I keep my prices affordable. I know that as a writer/artist, sometimes the dream of becoming published may seem out of reach due to the costs involved. I also offer payment plans.

You maintain all rights to your work. I do not own your work once it’s published; you do. After all, it’s all your hard work and love that has been put into it. 

You receive the majority of the profit. I only take a small 10% of sales from your published work. As I said; I’m not in this to get rich. I want to help you

Your work will have a global reach. While White Light Publishing House is a relatively small company, your work will reach almost 40,000 retailers, schools, and libraries across the globe (including digital platforms such as Amazon, Kindle, iBooks).

As for how White Light Publishing House was created, well, that’s an interesting story in itself, but to put it briefly (otherwise this could well turn into a whole other article), I was inspired by an amazing woman, Karen McDermott,who wrote a book called ‘The Visitor’after reading it when I miscarried back in 2012. After much conversation and forming a friendship over a year or so, she encouraged me to start writing again myself, and after I wrote an article about my life journey, I truly understood what it meant to heal through writing. The process of bleeding all my experiences onto paper was the best thing I ever could have experienced, and I would encourage everyone to do the same; to help make sense of life in general. 

Anyhow, once I wrote that piece on my life, it fuelled me to keep writing, and soon enough, I had all these ideas running through my mind, and spoke to Karen about getting my work published. Being the beautiful person she is, she encouraged me to open up my own publishing house, and showed me the way in getting it all set up. And that, is how White Light Publishing House was born! 

Things are only just beginning, and while I’ve been blessed to have published some of my own work, as well as several other authors’ titles, there are many, many more on the way! Some of the projects I’m currently working on with authors and artists around the globe include some inspirational compilations, poetry and short stories, children’s books, affirmation and oracle cards, a cook book, and even some fundraising projects! As well as this, I’ve also added a platform to my website where both experienced and aspiring authors alike, can share their inspiration through article and short story/poetry writing. I believe it’s a wonderful platform for gaining more exposure as a writer, and after all, that’s how I started out, so why wouldn’t I offer the same opportunity to others? 

The future of White Light Publishing House is very exciting indeed, and I look forward to sharing many more people’s work with the world. 

To contact me or find out more about White Light Publishing House, you can visit my website or find me on Facebook

Alternatively, feel free to send me an email at

I am a Lightworker

Last night, I received a message on my Facebook page from someone, and her words really stuck out to me for several reasons; one of them being that she had just confirmed for me that I am 100% on the right path in life.

Her message simply read: 

“I don’t think I’ve every met a psychic so willing to help people. You’re the real deal.”

I sat there for a moment, pondering what this meant, and why it touched me so deeply. 

The first thing I did was smile from ear to ear with gratitude, and I was quick to respond to her that I am just human, like everyone else, and that I do the work I do to help people; not to get rich. As someone who is offering guidance to others, while I need to earn a living, I still genuinely care about everyone’s well being, and my compassion and love for helping others isn’t just limited to doing so through paid services. That’s not what being a lightworker is about; not in my opinion, anyway.   The reason for this person contacting me in the first place actually had nothing to do with readings or spiritual awareness. And again, just because someone may contact me about an issue, doesn’t mean I’m going to automatically try and promote my services either. If I know I’m in a position to help someone based on a shared life experience, or because I have the tools and knowledge to help another person to evolve, I’m more than happy to help out. Why would I limit my reach for helping others by putting a price on everything? To me, that’s just silly.

On the other side of things, of course, I don’t want to be taken advantage of either, and that’s why I limit any free readings I offer to people, because I’m a realist; I know it does happen. However, providing paid services for people is very different to simply lending a listening ear, or doing what I can to guide someone in a positive direction. Gee, even when I do a reading for someone, I’m always more than happy to elaborate or provide further guidance and tools if my client wishes. A reading shouldn’t end with “OK, your hour’s up, I’m done.” Again, that’s my opinion, but that’s the way I work anyway. 

Every psychic/reader works in different ways, and I respect that, however I see myself as a true lightworker, and this beautiful person who messaged me last night, helped me to truly appreciate this within myself. I’m not just a “psychic” or someone who reads for other people. 

I am a lightworker. I genuinely care about others, and my mission is to bring more light into the world.